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Welcome back. I remember seeing you around.


Thanks, I was scrolling through my gmail and saw the notifications and was like "I forgot about these games, let's see how far they've gotten" and then here I am. But the original reason why I stopped playing these types of games is because they're fuelling an addiction I've had since I was 9 and I'm trying to clear my mind, although I'm failing at it everyday. Also I live with my parents, I don't want that one day my mother gets a day off, figures out my password and goes on my laptop while I'm at work. There was a point in time when I was leaving to go somewhere and my mother asked me to use my laptop.........I had to delete games like these when she asked.


That would be awkward lol. Also It's good that you are trying to beat an addiction and don't beat yourself up when you fail, you can always try again. I know you didn't ask but my advice would be not trying to quit everything at once, but slowly quit things one by one. Hey though I'm no therapist though so you can decide to take it or leave it.


I am a huge reader that got roped into anime, manga, and vns. If that is the addiction mentioned, there is no saving me.

Really though, I understand Azekel and both appreciate RozuW and agree.