Wow, thank you for taking the time to leave such an in-depth comment! I’m very glad to hear that you enjoyed it.
It is possible to get a gold rating in every level, although for some levels the way to do so is difficult to figure out. I didn't expect anyone to get a diamond rating, however! The gold rating was the "perfect" rating, the one you get for (what I believed to be) a level's fewest number of moves. I threw in the diamond rating in case a player completed a level in even fewer moves than that. Essentially, that means that you beat my personal best for those two levels. Impressive! I spent quite some time retrying the levels and I thought I'd found the best for all of them.
I'm curious to know which levels you got the diamond rating for. I may adjust their ratings after the jam is over. Although I understand you may no longer know which levels they were, since I didn't implement save data. (I saw you implemented persistent data for high scores in your submission; I assume you used local storage?)