Hey!! I guess the art, the atmosphere and the puzzles are completely amazing, it made me really feel under pressure.
However, I have 2 points to do.
-I suppose your interpretation of theme "out of order" is something like, the order in the world is lost and you have to restore it (maybe im wrong). The point is that if it is like that, then every game where u have to deal with a problem, will fit the theme. I suppose you can understand where I'm going.
-The other point, is that you create me the necesity of reach the end of the game (congratulations for that, I use not play games for too long and you rly caught me). However, after all this mistery I spected some kind of plotwist, or a solution of the mistery further than, "nice, you saved the world". (did I miss something maybe?)
Despite of this 2 things I guess this is the best game of the jam I've played so far. I did not found a single bug, so the game is really really clean. Congratulations!!