Well hello everyone!
While I know that most people will be posting updates from game jam’s past, my entry is a little bit different. I originally started this project Skeletal Legacy as a means to truly learn the game engine game maker studio 2 about two years ago. When I learned of itch.io and game jams around March first of 2023, I stopped working on the project. I didn’t ever post the project as it wasn't finished and haven’t had much feedback on it except from a handful of friends. I figured that this would be a good time to exhume the project, get some feedback from others and decide on the project's fate of either continued development or the post-mortem graveyard (not all projects are winners). I left the project in a semi completed state for the first set of levels of the game but it is still lacking a few things.
What I want to accomplish before the end of the Jam are as follows:
- Finish the first boss fight implementation
- Create a cutscene at the start of the first boss fight
- Streamline the tutorial section so all displayed abilities are properly highlighted
- Add more music and sound effects
- Create an Itch.io page that looks nice :)
- Finish adding controller support for the game
- Add a ending cutscene specifically for the jam
If I remember correctly, one of the main things that was stopping progress on the project was my lack of knowledge on cutscene creation but hopefully I can take care of that before the end of the jam. I’ll also have to add a link to my project after I finish creating the project page.
I am excited to see everyone's entries and give/get some feedback for the jam!