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I respect that everyone creates art according to their own interests, but false advertising is still false advertising and shouldn’t be easily overlooked.


The two art pieces in questions weren't even used for advertising. One was a april fools joke and the other was a "thank you" christmas artpiece with tastefull nudity. Check your facts before yapping.


Right, Then why George didn't talk about Astatos false advertising?

Its sfw card game but art is borderline nsfw and they post nsfw promos all the time.

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False advertising such as, a single artistic nudity piece back in 2022 (which especially with how the vn process goes the creators coulda been unsure if they wanted to include nsfw or not), and something they made for april fools day. So idk where this sort of idea that this vn engage in false advertising, not once have they claimed they were going to add nsfw scenes into the story, even if you look at the game page here there's literally no indication or lies that there's nsfw in the story. So besides those two pretty lazy examples, the rest of the "false advertising" is them showing support for fan art, so if you wanna cry a river over fan art then thats a you issue


Your crying is easy to overlook XD