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(1 edit)

Both of you, guys really. Modders charging money for their stuff have almost certainly used tens if not thousands of free mods themselves in the past to have fun in their own games. These mods were certainly thousands+ hours of work which they got to use for free.

What you release (whether it's good or bad quality) is not a guaranteed product: mods are notoriously plagued with issues. Whether it’s a bug, incompatibility, update conflict, etc., they can require a good bit of support. Eventually though, modders stop supporting them for one of a million reasons. This won’t change with paid mods, so users will inevitably pay for stuff that doesn’t work or that they can’t figure out. Once that happens, others would have to step in, which is much less likely if we turn into a “pay me or I’m not releasing it” community.

If we all started charging $1-10 (or more) per mod, users would very quickly be limited to how many mods they can use for financial reasons, which is silly.

You want money? There are many possibilities to set up ways to donate to you, whether it’s through nexus, kofi, patreon, PayPal, etc. Some modders also have monetized YouTube channels you can interact with to support. These are all great ways to support you people. The key here is that they’re all optional ways to support, we should never paywall our community.

its also in the farm sim 22 user agreemet also in farm sim 19 end user agreement also i just chardge for donation but that only if they want