According to the license, an user can remix the project and distribute it under this condition: as long as he gives credit to the original creator and doesn’t claim the game to be his own (and also sharing the same license, but he at least made the game free unlike other cases). Red wing didn’t follow the attribution conditions, he didn’t give credit and even erased my name on the game swapping by his, claiming my game to be his own.
According to , I can still send a takedown notice for misuse of the creative commons license (not giving credit & claiming the game to be his own), the user can contest the takedown and give a second look to the material (but there was enough proof that he stole my stuff and removed my name from the thumbnails anyways). It also says to notify the thief before taking action, which is what I and other people did (basically called him out), however I tought that he was inactive since his last posts where posted +100 days ago.
The thief did indeed apologize (“chat GPT write me an apology email for stealing his stuff”), but he still has the other stolen content up on his page (he didn’t only steal my stuff), which it clearly says that he just didn’t want to have consequences since I noticed his stolen work (he could possibly be just a bot aswell).
Even if it says that I can takedown creative commons material, the stuff has been taken down already, so I’m now trying to cancel the DMCA takedown request (I didn’t proceed further that the 1st step because of a paywall but anyways).
Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m still new to this copyright stuff