The game currently concludes at about the point where a third character would join the party, but she’d be the last one.
I would ideally like to add one more “functional” weight stage before immobility, and maybe single-image immobility game overs for characters that get too big. Both of those might be a bit ambitious with DAZ rendering - even for the current final weight stage I had to do some tinkering with poses and canvas size just to be able to fit the combat forms at their higher inflation stages, and DAZ really doesn’t do immobile/blob-like stuff well, so it comes down to suggestive posing more than anything.
I believe some dark/light magic is currently implemented for enemy-only spells, but I didn’t add them as slot-in magic as the chips generally follow a pattern of (single + multi-target attack spell) + (buff + related debuff) + (single + multi-target status effect); I can do the attack spells, obviously, and new status effects aren’t difficult either, but I kinda ran out of good ideas for buffs and debuffs that didn’t feel overpowered by the third stage. Maybe once I start overhauling combat they’ll be revisited, but I think it’d make more sense for each character to learn their own dark/light/nuclear (if I ever actually separate that out from light) offensive spells to go with the basic support spells they already learn without chips.
Right now Reed and Violet are the only two NPCs in the game, without any major plans for more that’d appear in any significant capacity. I don’t know that many people’d be here for that sort of content with Reed and I can safely say Violet’s outside the scope of this game. If I ever got deep enough into the weeds that I started adding actual characters to the girls’ friend groups I wouldn’t be surprised if some bad habits rubbed off on them, but that’d be way, way down the line.
I would like to expand the game as far as the end of Month 12, but whether that’s the same as having 12 chapters is a whole different ball park. Right now I have a good idea of the plot beats I want to hit, but it’s still at the outline stage - seeing how the pieces best fit together, which ones might be best bundled into a package deal, etc. All I can say for certain is that the longer it is, the more I’m going to have to slow down the pace of the weight gain and spread it over the course of the game, as I kind of like the idea of looming immobility being more of an endgame threat than something that needs to be balanced against for months on end.