Hello, thank you for your review of my game, and thank you for providing gameplay as that helps me a lot with inspecting how players approach my levels. As for some of the points you made I feel like some gameplay mechanics were misinterpreted, for example you do not need to use the enemy to launch you off ramps, while enemies can be used to do movement tricks it is not something that is required of the player at any point. The purpose of the hoops are to gain extra points and are also not required to reach certain areas. You also mentioned a lag spike upon level completion, although when I watched your gameplay there was nothing out of the ordinary about it. The freeze frame is an intentional effect, which I think you misinterpreted. I also noticed in your gameplay that you did not use the blast attack at all even when your meter was full.
Other than that I do think a lot of your complaints are sound, for example the camera is something a lot of people have been having issues with, and it doesn't help that there are some bugs surrounding that mechanic. Although you mentioned you played on controller so I'm curious as to how you moved the camera as controller support has not been properly implemented at this time. Did you just use both the controller and the keyboard for when you had to move the camera? I do also feel like some of the physics and level design could use some tweaking although I'm not sure how much physics tweaks would affect changes in the current layouts. There does seem to be some errors with enemy knockback as well, particularly in level 02. It seems like the four enemies in the beginning segment of that level knock you back further than they're supposed to and I haven't been able to figure out why this happens.
Anyways, thanks again for playing and leaving feedback.