I followed this tutorial video to implement the scoreboard:
But I'm not displaying the scores, only loading the scoreboard, because I don't want my game to display them all, just the player's personal score. So, I haven't included the loops shown in the video, just the function, and an empty version of the "LeaderboardCreator.GetLeaderboard" condition.
At present, I just have the function showing the top three scores, for the sake of testing, but my next step is to access the player's personal score and display that (which I'll then use to get the scores ranked directly above and below it).
So far, the condition looks like this:
LeaderboardCreator.GetLeaderboard(publicLeaderboardKey, ((msg) =>
rank1text.text = "#" + msg[1].Rank.ToString(); //Set the highest displayed rank
rank1nameText.text = msg[1].Username; //Set the highest displayed rank's name
rank1scoreText.text = msg[1].Score.ToString(); //Set the highest displayed rank's score
rank2text.text = "#" + msg[2].Rank.ToString(); //Set the middle displayed rank
rank2nameText.text = msg[2].Username; //Set the middle displayed rank's name
rank2scoreText.text = msg[2].Score.ToString(); //Set the middle displayed rank's score
rank3text.text = "#" + msg[3].Rank.ToString(); //Set the lowest displayed rank
rank3nameText.text = msg[3].Username; //Set the lowest displayed rank's name
rank3scoreText.text = msg[3].Score.ToString(); //Set the lowest displayed rank's score
//bool isMine = msg.IsMine();
//Debug.Log(LeaderboardCreator.GetPersonalEntry(publicLeaderboardKey, Whatever goes in here));
You can see lines I've commented out. These were my attempts to use IsMine() and GetPersonalEntry, but every attempt gave me an error.