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Hey everyone! We should have posted this back when the jam started, but, well we just didn't... But this jam and a local event helped us work on the next step on our Ludum Dare entry "Shadow Fencer Theatre". We didn't necessarily finish our game, but we are working to finish our next demo (one more thing to fix) that we are going to upload to Anywoo, about the game!

Shadow Fencer Theatre is a 2 player fencing game set in the world of shadow puppets. Players grab a stick, and that stick is stuck with some paper, and that paper is stuck to a sword.

Shadow Fencer Theatre in Ludum Dare 37 entry form

Changes being made:

New Movement Controls: include jumping and ducking, and uses the analog controls of the joystick

New Fencing Controls: Include 8-way directional movement for the sword

New Characters: 4 new characters added to the game, randomly selected each match

New Sets: New sets for players to battle on, randomly selected each match

Improved Look: some polishing to look a little nicer

Pause Button: Game can be paused during match, and then players can go back to the menu

Other Stuff: There were a lot of changes, I don't remember them all

Shadow Fencer Theatre in it's current state.

Thank goodness this goes until the 31st. just enough to finish up our web build.