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(1 edit)

At last I've tried the web/HTML experimental version and, indeed, bullet speed plays a real role. I'm slightly annoyed that attack speed and bullet speed aren't tied together as one, though. It seems while attack speed on a single target can be quite good, the biggest pause can be in changing targets, which increasing bullet speed lessens. I've only played two games of it so far, but I learned a bit too late the second time that I wasn't getting the DPS I wanted because my bullet speed was too low.

Also, if I'm giving critical feedback, I'm not sure how I feel about the... Bestiary. While it seems like a good idea for reference, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't learn about the (new) creatures I was currently fighting in the middle of a game. It just seems like it would be more timely if I could see it as I go and not wait until I lose (or is there a way to interrupt my match, return to the campsite and... see? See how weird that would be?) before I can get the useful information.

Actually, as far as buying abilities between rounds, like regeneration (I love regeneration in games), while I like to upgrade, it seems I can't know ahead of time the web of upgrades. It's painful enough to spend what points I've earned on upgrades I'm not interested to see what it leads to without it leading to another upgrade I'm not interested in. Do you think it would serve your interests as well as mine to give some sort of preview or warning of what upgrades lead to what upgrades? Or, maybe, you could make all upgrades available and price them differently based on their value. Saving up for a better upgrades seems better than wasting money getting to upgrades I wasn't going to be interested in.

I guess that's all for now. I'm going to play some more.

Oh. And there doesn't seem to be that "problem" with the projectiles/bullets/fireballs outpacing the impacts or impacts being skipped. That was REALLY bad in the non-experimental version. Maybe you should consider updating it so people like me who apparently need a bit of prodding to get on Discord to try the experimental version aren't so discouraged that they'd think or say the game was "ruined" by this seeming flaw in the most public-facing web version :-)

EDIT: Actually, as far as the upgrades you buy with embers, I got plenty of Embers during my second... match? I can't remember if I just played another match. No, I had over 20000 embers so it wasn't "painful" to explore the upgrades. It was great, actually. I found the Vampire upgrade that I thought you might have replaced with regeneration. And a bunch of others. And this time when I play, I'll know to use the bullet speed upgrade (I'm still new to it!) and get much further with more embers. If I had a phone... this would be one of the games if not THE game I'd be playing most on it.