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I think I'm going to reset my upgrades and carefully choose three ones that I actually want to appear at the beginning and throughout the game, because it seems that some of those upgrades, which I'm seemingly obligated to activate to gain access to further upgrades, are less useful and actually narrow the selection of useful upgrades I might have access to between rounds, even if I refresh each one (which by the way was a great thing to include, a no-cost, single refresh for each option). I'll try something different this time, but since using Vampire last time was far less useful that Regeneration would have been and was the previous game, and I died probably less than 10 rounds (Why get rid of round numbers and use hours and minutes? Now I have a non-standard, less-straightforward way of tracking progress? Hours and minutes? Do I have to figure out how long each round is? Does it vary depending on how long I take to finish a round? Should I multiply the length of a round or perhaps divide how "long" I've played by the time it takes per round?) into the game, which is disappointing. Now I have Assassin, Freeze, and Orbital Flames. Not sure if I should keep trying different things or try to get what I think I want. And look at that! No refresh option for these options. Tsk. And I liked that so much for the rest of the game ;-)