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(1 edit)

This game feels stupid. If I focus on targeting, I won't have enough power or speed to hit anything and prevent being destroyed in the meantime. It's a bit stupid because if it takes five or six upgrades to get 100% accuracy, I have little speed or power or anything else. I did choose the multicaster instead of regeneration to start this time but because I was so concerned about survival, I didn't take any upgrades after that. Think about it: If you were a marksman with a bow and arrow or a gun, would accuracy be more important than power and speed? YES. By starting with such terribly accuracy (an unbelievable 0%), you've really crippled the game from the start, giving new and experienced players alike a handicap to work against, and it turns out this handicap at the start keeps them handicapped for the rest of the game, since if they do upgrade accuracy, they're not upgrading anything else that actually kills enemies! And you've made it SO BAD that if a player chooses targeting/accuracy whenever presented with the option, they'll die because they're not shooting enough weak fireballs or the few fireballs they do shoot are too weak!

To make a game challenging, you shouldn't just give players exactly what they want so they don't even have to try. But there is a difference between making a game challenging and taking all the fun out of it by making it an exercise in nonsensical desperation, which YOU set up. I think you may have made this game so "challenging" that you've almost begun to border an antagonistic with a hint of sadism. You do understand that this is a game, right? Did you want this game to be fun and enjoyable? Did you want players to want to play your game? Do you want them to get any positive feedback or sense of accomplishment in playing? Then maybe allow them to progress in the game without repeating the same stupid steps that you made necessary only to find that they weren't balancing out more relevant steps because you'd started them off with 0% accuracy/targeting and dealing with that crap seemed compelling enough not to yet worry about stuff like attack speed and power.

This is even before concerning myself with any of the "extra" upgrades available to my IF I earn enough "embers" to purchase them, their differing levels, and the subsequent upgrades made available. How useful and "fun" is any game where such a large part of the strategy is to cut out 80% of the upgrades and control things so what I'm doing is simplified enough that I might actually be able to focus on KILLING the enemies?

Maybe you haven't focused enough on making the game fun and focused too much on making the game difficult. Personally, I hate modern Mario games for being cartoonish and for making it too easy to play and win. Classic Super Mario gave you a finite number of lives and you had to discover how to get a much larger number. You also had to learn how to take shortcuts if you wanted to win the game quickly, but if you went through all the levels, there were only pauses and timing to worry about, and if you died once, you didn't start over completely because you had more than one life.

If I die in your game, I have to start over, crippled again, and up for the same disappointing, time-consuming, slow action that's like a never-ending preamble to something that never happens. Losing this game should be my fault because I actually made bad choices, not because your choices as the game developer were so restrictive and so counter to the interests of players, that you've actually set up a greater way to make the game more difficult and less fun with UPGRADES that are worth less than the upgrades available by default, crowding out more useful options!

Why don't you figure out what kind of game you WANT this to be? Is this game at least fun for you? If I'm not mistaken, Mario Maker makes creators complete their levels before they're allowed to upload them for others. If playing your game is nearly as unpleasant for you as it is for me, maybe you should consider changing it so that I'm not sent back to grade 1 because the sex ed aspect of Physical Education turned out to be a written exam instead of a hands on one. That's one metaphor for what you've done with your game. You've made me think and try so hard for so little reward that I'm actually a bit angry with you for turning a game I found addicting into one filled with the less pleasurable kind of dick moves.