Thank you for replying! I can (for the most part) totally understand why or why you did not decide to include something. I guess the only two things I'm "disappointed" (not really, I'm too happy that this game even exists to be truly disappointed) about is the artillery cannon, but I think the grenades are a neat replacement/stand-in, and the engine overdrive system. If there aren't going to be real consequences for emptying the boost, I would at least add a bit of screen shake or something like that, so it at least feels like that isn't too good for the mech. Though that of course could confuse players into thinking it actually damages their mech, because I definitely would think that if the screen shakes.
They actually do move, but only if the player is not visible to them. Once they spot them they'll open fire, but if they can't see them they'll proceed to the last known position.
When I approached them from behind cover they seemed to not move at all. This becomes a problem because the tanks are never able to see you. I managed to ambush them and I didn't get hit by a tank once. It's probably something broken on my game though, I'll download it again and see if that fixes it.
Well, all in all I have to say (again) that this game is really awesome, and I wish there was more of it/like it. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this game. Thanks for reading.