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(4 edits) (+5)


1. Make a constitutional coalition possible only by 1932-1933.

You can simply call early elections through Müller in December 1929 or January 1930 - create a coalition, and as a result do nothing. The next elections - in 1934 or by the end of 1933. As a result, you can agree to austerity, do nothing, and the Nazis will do nothing.

2. Make the "March on Berlin" event likely if the Nazis have the ability to paralyze the Reichstag as a result of the elections. This simply partially solves the problem of manipulation of elections in the early stages of the game and allows the Nazis to use more force to overthrow democracy. By, for example, 1932, if they have enough votes to paralyze the Reichstag (for example, if the anti-republican parties have more than 50%), the "March on Berlin" event occurs, where they demand snap elections from Hindenburg. This is also consistent with history, because after the Reichstag elections of 1930, the Social Democrats seemed to be able to create a "constitutional coalition" and sit quietly until 1934, but this is not true. So I propose that the constitutional coalition be made more difficult, or that it is more difficult to come to an agreement about it with the DVP or the "Other" parties - or at least only by 1932.

3. Add more events about internal party politics.

Add events to requirements for changing advisors. For example, instead of a party event about disagreements in the party, and then a split, you can do it differently. For example, the left faction, threatening a split with high discontent, demands to replace advisers with members from the left wing. If you agree, you are obliged to replace the adviser with a member of the left wing and cannot replace him within 6 months without this wing splitting. Or, if the advisers are already in their posts, they do not simply "leave", but, again, issue an ultimatum or agreement. For example, as with the communists, you promise them to fulfill something within X months. Or ultimatums like:

—Centrists/reformists demand to cut funding for the Reichsbanner

—The left wing demands to reduce commercialization in

our media (minus 1 resource)

—Reformists demand big concessions to bourgeois parties in matters of the program

—Labor demands to put pressure on the government for the sake of increasing social spending (if we are in the government, then they simply demand, if not in the government, then threaten a vote of no confidence)

—Left wing demands to soften our line towards the communists (this will anger the bourgeois parties).

Or add another option with the solution of disagreement through resources.

Left wing - decommercialization of our media, increase in funding for Reichbanner, our youth organizations, 

Reformists - funding of our cultural and educational programs, sports leagues

Labor - More mutual aid and welfare programs

Centrists - finance a broad newspaper party debate on ideological issues.

Or finance (-1 resourse) a broad rally in accordance with the program of a specific wing.

I also suggest the possibility of events on conditional compromises between the wings of the party.

For example, we are promoting the Labor program on the economic crisis, but in exchange for support for this plan we need to make concessions on some other issues with other wings of the party.

For example, the reformists are ready to agree to the Labor economic plan, but demand in exchange for this to cut the Reichsbanner. Or "The Centrists are ready to accept the left economic plan, but in exchange they demand a more anti-communist line."

The idea is to make the early adoption of the plan extremely difficult without concessions to the other wings. For example, it is impossible to accept "any" economic plan right away without an alliance with another wing (the second or first in strength). But with time of promotion (at least 1 more time for there to be an event) of this program in the party, the wings no longer need concessions for its adoption.

We can also add demands from the wings according to the ministries, if we control them — or press our coalition partners for that. Or a change of cabinet to the corresponding wings. Or add this opportunity as an additional one for concessions, if we are in the government. In the spirit that we can give in either "within" the party, or in government policy

Labor Ministry:

Centrists — demand to support workers' councils

Reformists/Labor — demand to support worker and consumer cooperatives

Left wing — demand to socialize key industries.

Ministry of Finance:

Left wing — increase taxes on the rich

Centrists/Reformists — make tax system more progressive

Labor — Cut overrall taxes.

Internal Security:
Left wing — unban the communist RFB, Ban the Stahlhelm

Reformists — Ban the RFB or press cummunists furher

Labor — investigate corruption by big businesses


Left wing — state buyer

Labor — food procurement

Centrists — land reform

Reformists — Agricultural Financing


Left wing — improve relations with Soviet Union

Another idea: if the reformists are disloyal at event "The Prussian Bulwark", we cannot choose options because they are not ready to listen to orders from the party

I have a question — what would the Neorevisionists demand if their dissent with the party is high enough?

(7 edits) (+1)

I think they will be copying reformists on most issues (Kurt Schumacher have reformist economic plan), but also support Reichsbanner, any anti-far right things and bunch of rally for republic and democracy. 
In my opinion, advisors from the Neorevisionists just too weak. They show up in mid-late game, but they can give you... Rally for democracy, event on Reichsbanner and just buff on Iron Front... This is simply not enough.

My options for fixing this
1. Give Mierendorff the ability to beat the Nazis rally through our paramilitaries, which will reduce their popularity. Add this feature only after the Iron Front is formed

2. Give Schumacher the ability to strengthen the Reichsbanner, but for free. Also, instead of the reformist plan, give him the opportunity to increase the number of police in Prussia by 40 thousand, and not 20 as in the usual event for recruiting police in Prussia.

3. Give Leber the ability to rally without the possibility of disruption. The rally is not for democracy, but simply an event for the rally.

4. Give Mierendorff more buff to his ability "Warning about the Nazis". I like the idea, but impact just too weak. That ability can, for example, reduce dissent of all wings — like Wells, but 2-3 times stronger. Or/and improve relations with all parties, including the communists (Excluding NSDAP and DNVP), and reduce dissent in the coalition. Improving relationships with parties can also be improved, but not by much - 1.5 times, for example.

In other words, make them stronger than other advisors. Because they appear much later. So they should have some abilities that only they have, which give us a significant advantage over those advisors who are available to us from the very beginning of the game.