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It looks very, very polished but I was too bored during the dialogue to get to the main aspects of the game. Really great music in here and the art is on point!


Thanks for checking it out!  Yeah, it's basically a visual novel so there's a lot of dialogue.  Could probably be edited or trimmed down in places, but I kinda ran out of time.

(1 edit) (+2)

For what it's worth, the visual novel part was my favourite part about the game, especially the funny moments with the Winstons. My only complaint is with the battles; I died during my first attempt against the Emerald Knight, and had to redo the whole day + the few battles before it, since I don't think there's a way to save just before the battles?


There isn't a way to save due to RPG Maker MZ's handling of Message Boxes.  You can't really do anything during a sequence of messages other than press ENTER or ESC, both of which just go on to the next message.  Adding a SAVE menu during the day kind of throws off the pacing, but I might consider adding them in places.  Other than that, I'm thinking I'll either add a "RETRY" option after a bad ending, or just make it so there are no bad endings and have the game continue after losing the battle (Winston intervenes and saves you, Chiyoko blacks out and unleashes some crazy latent power and drives the enemy away, etc)  I was moving towards the latter solution, but burned out and ran out of time.