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I'm so disappointed that you don't get extra damage for filling up the grid. The whole point of Tetris is to fill up rows, and here it does nothing.

Also I don't get the reason why you made it so that you have to click on each piece afterwards, there doesn't seem to be any synergies that would require me to click them in order. The "end turn" button should just activate all of the pieces on the grid. This would make the UX a lot better because there would be less buttons to click. There have been multiple times where I pressed the end turn button instead of clicking on the pieces, and I lost a ton of damage potential.

Also I don't really like how you have the exact same pieces every turn, it just makes the battle boring after the first like 3 turns. You could have the shapes be random, and then assign a spell to each color or something instead.

Does it have potential? In this state, absolutely not.
If you were to add combos, randomized pieces and some synergies between pieces + some interesting mechanics to the battles (so it's not just, player attacks -> enemy attacks -> repeat), then maybe it does.
It would need to be some sort of a roguelike or idk, with stuff happening between fights (like in my game Umblight)

(1 edit) (+1)

Kristoff I have some great news for you!

*screenshot from our planning board

We have a line bonus planned as a combat upgrade!

In fact, we actually have a WHOLE GRID BUFF bonus planned, if you manage to fill every single square!

We designed this as an MVP for the GMTK game jam so I hope you can excuse some of the features are missing.

Now that we have everything working (mostly), we can start implementing all the features that will make using spells more fun.

Grid bonuses, buffs & debuffs, piece synergy (2 fire spells next to each other = buff), the list is endless. We're really excited by the possibilities.

Good suggestion about the things between fights, I enjoyed Umblight a lot!

Thanks for the feedback <3

Hope you will come and try v4 when it's out!

Aegis 🛡