Yeah, although on Debian the GNU C Libraries are actually installed through a package called libc6
And I am actually seeing the problem, it's because the program is asking for version 2.29 but it looks like on Debian stable version 2.28-10 is the latest being offered by the distro.
Debian is pretty notorious for it's stable version being behind a lot of the other distros, and while I did want to bump this install from stable to testing soon I don't think I'm really in the mood to do that today unfortunately. I have a lot of critical files from the game jam I need to back up and work on first :/
The good news is that this will probably work fine for all the downstream distros based on Debian like Ubuntu or Pop!_OS, as well as Debian testing and unstable. It's probably too late now, but it would probably be worth it in the future just to check around and see what libraries you're using and whether or not they work on the stable version of Debian... I mean, only if you want comprehensive linux support. There are a lot of people who for one reason or another can't risk running a testing system (since it's not really intended for daily use anyway, although a lot of people do anyway) and Debian stable like... always gets shafted when it comes to software releases.
tl;dr I probably can't play it right now unless there's some kind of shared library you can ship to fix it, which is a shame. Eventually in the future I'll try to check it out and give you my opinion on it.