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I've played a lot of games today but this is the first that has left me wanting more. Every hit is so visceral with the camera shakes and particle explosions I was getting so into the ebb and flow of combat. So much aggression, so much weight to every hit and every dash.

This game is beautiful. The colour choices and lighting effects have no accidents in their implementation. If I didn't know this was a jam submission done in a week I'd assume this took a month or more to make.

I have a few small critiques or complaints so I'll blast through them quickly.

  1.  It was very difficult to know when/what I could parry. I feel like this could be stylistically visualized with a change in colour/glow on enemies when they're able to be parried
  2. Some of the menu text was a little hard to read due to the stylization

A fantastic submission that deserves tenfold the plays and ratings it currently has. Please continue to work on this project.


Thank you so much for such an encouraging review! I'm really glad the combat resonated with you; it took a lot of tweaking to get that visceral feel just right. I also really appreciate the kind words about the visuals—I poured a lot into those details.

As for the parrying, you're not alone in that struggle. Our playtesters also found it tricky, and we went through a lot of iterations to try and make it clearer without breaking the flow. We do have visual cues, but they're clearly too little, as both our playtesters and our reviewers on here were struggling to notice it. Thanks again for the feedback and for taking the time to play—your support means a lot!