Wow, someone made Magicka for a game jam. That's impressive! I went through many personal stages with this game. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on. The tutorial text was a bit small and hard to see and it was about a minute before I realized it was there. Then I couldn't figure out why I couldn't absorb red bullets. Ok, I still couldn't. And then I tried casting spells but didn't realize you need 2 colors to do it. Then I got to the stage where I was like, "White magic is the best because it's all you need for attacks" but then I was like, "wait, maybe I don't need to kill everyone. In that case, time stop is the best and both colors are good." But then I rushed passed everyone and couldn't exist and went back to thinking white was the best. In the end it turned out the best weapon is corners. Corners are OP because you can absorb all the magic you want without getting hit. Oh, and I never found much use for the dash spell. I had fun with this, thanks!