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(1 edit) (+1)

This is a GREAT game!!  It seems to be one of the most complete experiences of the jam for me!  From great graphics, sound, voice over (is that you?) and fun - it ticks all the boxes!  And I'm a bit in awe how "simple" the idea is - yet that simplicity keeps it from becoming a muddled mess.  (That's one of my game dev issues.  My ideas are always too big for the time I have.)

Anyway, congrats!  Hope you keep it up and look forward to seeing more game from you!

Oh, and forgot to mention the trailer is awesome!!


Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it and that it was a fulfilling experience for you heh. Also yes, I am the one who did the vocal clips for it (including the trailer).

I will say though that if the game looks simple, then to maintain your illusion you should not look at the source code XD The source is an absolute pile of spaghetti code.