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(1 edit) (+2)

I will second that this art delights everyone on the team SO MUCH. (And we can't wait to see your Angel and Elias!!!)

Since you've been eating up all the info you can about the game, I thought I'd share the playlist I've previously mentioned that helped shape Liam's story. As I messaged to the rest of the team early in the process, 

"The first half is all the stuff he listens to now. The second half, starting with "Everything You Want" falls into the "before times" he listened to more before he transitioned. Warning, major Christian Youth Group vibes for some of the second half. "

Whenever I sat down to write for Liam, I'd listen to this playlist over and over. Even now, every time I hear the opening track, I can just FEEL Liam in my head. Plus you get some Oasis, whose main singer, as Stem wrote about previously, was the main visual reference for Liam I provided them with.

Thank you so much again for your amazing support of the game!