I was thinking of something that would be quite perfect for this game Jam, as it is text adventure with D&D theme... And feel free to use this if you can implement it as I would love to see this done, if I can not get it in time myself.
Keep it simple, you don't need graphics, so no need for large maps or custom dungeons or stuff, simple "walking down a straight line" is good enough...
You get one of 4 encounters as you travel, Monster, Civilian, Ally, Risk.
You have a simple "fight" or "flee" scene when encountering Monsters.
Their stats grow as you go down the path. Civilians offers you "missions", so you keep traveling down path, with options to do various things. Your goal is to reach the castle and save the princess, guarded by vicious dragons. You need good weapons and stats to kill them. You gain this by taking quests and killing monsters.
When you "accept" a quest from a civilian, you go down another path until it is completed, or you "flee". Everything you flee, you lose the opportunity, Risks can be a treasure or a trap... never know... But I feel for this there should be some sort of pattern... Or at least a 50% pattern.... That be cool.... Kinda predicable for the smarter people... Allies gives you a change to upgrade your weapons and skills... But it costs....
Thing I have not thought about, or decided.
Battle system. One hit per turn, you can flee, use a heal potion if any is available or "Hit" the enemy.... Have not quite figured out the UI for this yet, but for this adventure game it could prove difficult?
Food, Drink, Weapon, Shield, Health Potions. These are the items for your inventory... Keep it simple. Should you get hungry and thirsty along the way tho? or would this make the game too difficult?
Use of locations names? I say use location names to make it more personal and adaptable
I am hoping to give this a shot, but not sure if I will get to it.