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Thank you very much ^-^ I'm so glad you had fun.

A lot had to be cut or left unfixed for the three hours, but it came out well. The art was very thrown together (clearly) haha 😅

And yeah... That's not actually a bug with the collisions, what's happening is your corpses are left behind at the exact frame you're detected colliding with a spike ball and not being snapped to position smoothly against the spikes, so they're left at off positions. I was unsure which I preferred and that was just an ad-hoc design choice. I kinda liked how the corpses (the symbol of death) would be misaligned with the perfect tile placement of the level elements, contrasting in that way, but the feedback is definitely that it should be made smooth which makes sense. The gameplay quality-of-life improvement definitely outweighs that visual element. Now that judging is over I can make those quick fixes and re-upload a better version! 

Thank you again for playing! 


Ok! That's very interesting to hear! I guess for players it would feel more intuitive to have it smooth unless it's visually clearly different alignment.