Ok, we take note of it! Don't expect to read something specifically about your game, they already shared the short reviews from above. In fact if they write something new, it will probably be some more general feedback on all the projects at once, to encourage their followers to check the games (but the Judges are free to write what they want).
Some of the Judges already talked of your projects during and after the Jam on their twitter, facebook, etc (the best is to use the links to their sites to find their accounts). We have not recontacted them on that matter for the moment, but we will remind them to do it later. We can't force them on the other hand, they are not related to the Icehouse and they are free to write or not.
For the moment we're in the process of preparing the rewards but we have received very few emails to claim the Prizes. One thing at a time, we're a very small team :D
Update: I can at least say that Geoffroy (nova-box) posted this: https://twitter.com/GeoffroyVincens/status/1207699697265250304
And I have contacted all the 8 other judges (Icehouse and external judges) so keep an eye on their pages ;)