This was a really interesting submission because of the "small planet" style, not to mention the art style and look of the game was really good. The audio was good although the first time I dropped a bomb I burst my eardrum :P lol. The theme was good and the apocalypse was obvious aha, I do like how the falling down part was just interpreted as "raining down hell". Overall it was enjoyable to play although it felt really grindy hence my low score. It took me a while before I realised I could destroy the trees to get resources but once I figured that out I slowly got more and more weapons and it became fun, but even with 4 weapons and a bomb it still felt like a grind. The lack of enemies makes it quite dull in that you can just sit there and farm resources, and at least for me just starting out the buildings took forever to destroy, I actually never destroyed the large buildings. It was also a grind to get the drill to move, it felt like I was doing much. But thats the only thing that I really didn't like. I could see this game being extremely fun little web game. Good job Jethro! and props to Declan for the awesome art style :)