I don't care if you're king of the world. No one cares about your title. Welcome to the real world. I have nothing more to say to you other than to get your ego and your head checked.
yes sir I’m very humble but you took that for granted seriously I’ve a very good passion for your project fine I know I do tell you that you should please try and pay outside Fiverr which you’re scared of but paying within Fiverr is not that favorable for this kind of project on 50% they remove 13$ on 100$ they remove 23$ and that’s a great loss please try and understand or consider me I’m really to continue from where I stopped if only you consider me and I’ll perfect everything including your protagonist and make your game okay
I never posted your project online because it’s not done and I know one day you’re coming back for your project and I need to keep tins confidential
that one is left to Fiverr
So yes sir we need to consider each other let try and respect each other fine you don’t have much agreed
I’m only trying to persuade to pay outside cos of cost of charges for sure I’ll still delver to you
It’s of two things if you want the source file 250$ and if you want me to continue I’m ready because I’ve drafted out some nice concepts