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I absolutely LOVE this game! The theme is adorable, and it comes through very well in the mechanics and description. I am definitely bringing this game to every convention I go to as a pick up game. 

I'm really happy that the Tarot mechanics blend nicely into the rest of the rules. The Tarot enhances the feeling of the rest of the game instead of feeling tacked on. 

The only criticism I have is that the Queen of Cups session-end mechanic seems hard to use. I don't see any time where I would want the game to randomly end short, and I would much rather the Queen of Cups be kept out of the rest of the deck and the table can decide when they want to end. I would only ever use the optional "You may search the deck for the Queen of Cups, with your group’s consent, anytime you would like to call an end to the session." That just feels more appropriate for the laid-back feel of the rest of the game.

Overall I'm super excited to try this game out and would love to see this filled out into a full fledged game.