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The concept is really good! I don't think I've ever encountered a text-based management game like this before. It's very easy though. I get so much money so quickly I can create an army very fast, and upgrading turrets and walls doesn't cost any money (bug). I also ran out of things to do pretty quick, there was nothing left to explore after a few days, so I'd just assign the minions to the mines. The parser shouldn't be so picky about small and big letters though, and if i type "assign/create [action/creature]" without a number, it should take it to mean 1 rather than refuse the command outright. I'd love to see a larger and more polished/balanced version of this though!

thank you so much for this return,  I didn't have time to test well the upgrade system, and the game needs a lot of balancing.

at the start the assign systeme was different and  and at the end the number in the 3rd argument should have been removed, 

and I think to trim all the strings and I just forget.