i'm sorry,i'm sorry,i'm sorry and i'm sorry i'm saying this because i saw the other person gave his review then looked at my comments and i didn't say how amazing it was. Sorry for being my very smart self i forget the need for emotions sometimes but i remember now so here is my review.
Game play and Story: I put theses together because they are the highest at a high 9 which is almost to a ten.
Controls: they were fine but a little snappy which made the game lag a little on my old laptop but still i like simple which it is simple. A stationary 9/10
The exp system: Its pretty good but some reason i felt i leveled up a little too slowly later on so i had to use level up items which makes me put it at a low 9/10
This is a masterpiece so overall your score Is a High nine out of ten but this is only out of my preference where i like lewd games above all else but you did make it well rounded so that's why this game is super good. (also maybe you could add some lewd scene's but you don't have to if you don't want too) Anyways I have to end it here bye and have a good day sir.