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A pretty solid platform game, with some really nice aesthetics.

The gameplay is pretty standard: you can jump, punch, and shoot, and you need to use those abilities to reach the exit. It's nothing innovative, but all of the mechanics work correctly, and it was fun to play after all! Levels could have used some better design though. They're aren't that hard, and some of the parts were constantly being reused with only insignificant changes.

I really liked the graphics, and the overall visual style of the game! The use of pixel art sprites, as well as limited color palette comprised mostly of white and violet colors, and the dithered backgrounds, makes the game pleasant to look at.

Sound effects and soundtracks are also good! While the sound effects are fitting and good, I really enjoyed listening to the music. It wasn't irritating nor distracting, and some of the tracks were even catchy!

Although the game itself isn't all that innovative, it is still a good game! I enjoyed playing it, and the audiovisual side of it, was very nice!


thanks for the in depth reply, i really appreciate it.  you're spot on with the level design stuff, they were all put in at the last minute.  I'm glad you didn't find them hard!  a lot of people have said the opposite.