Maybe I'll revisit the implementation a bit later. But I don't have huge plans for it.
I'm surprised you played it longer then 10 minutes. It really wasn't intended to be played for this long :-) But let me comment on a few of the suggestions:
- The day/turn mechanics where really important. I spend the first 2 days of the jam working on an version without it. And with a large roguelike grid. And I got stuck, too many corner cases to solve, and I didn't get anywhere. Almost threw in the towel. One of the hard corners cases where "how to convey what the effect of your dungeon was on the adventurers" and "how to deal with your dungeon being expanded while adventurers are in it, as they would have new places to explore all of a sudden, breaking the 'escape after exploring everything' mechanic". When I switched to the day/turn mechanic suddenly everything fell in place. A speedup button might be good tough to skip the more boring parts. And less delay between adventurers when there are multiple ones.
- I didn't get around to do it, but I set it up so the map would expand indefinitely. I just didn't setup that you could move/zoom your viewpoint. One of the things I will add when I revisit it.
- Killing the first 2 adventurers and just ending the day will increase your money forever. But the rest of the hidden stats will reach a limit. As those decay a bit each day, so expanding will allow you to reach higher levels so to say. I kinda did this intentionally so you could never really get stuck, unless you softlocked yourself by spending all your money digging without any traps. I didn't want people to need to restart the game on some failure.
- I misjudged the balance between "risk" & "reward", which caused almost no extra adventurers to spawn beyond the usual 2. You only got up to 4, while the maximum is 10.
And as a final word. When you got greedy and wiped out. You where the dragon, you where slain. Ha, how is that for deception? :D