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I'm fine, thank you. I have plenty ideas, not the time to make every of them into the game probably. But you can bring yours, there is suggestions section on my discord server. I read them all and take my inspirations from them. 

(1 edit)

شكرًا لك. سأقرأه. هل يمكنك  أن تعتني بجودي. إنها فتاة جميلة جدًا. اجعلها مهيمنة جدًا.🖤

Also in the game there are two things that are difficult for me to do. I hope you will help me. First, find the key in order to make the dancing girl unlock the lock on the penis for me. The second thing is how can I bring Jesse to the club. I know that I have to go to the police in order to see Jesse, but the game will be over then.  I think the game is somewhat connected and it will work if I find the key and the police will catch me and here I am watching Jesse, isn't this the way it is?

To unlock the cage you need to speak with Rayne and ask her for it when she is working on her computer. Affection must be high enough. If you mean Jessie, you meet her in the clinic for the first time and then you can see her in the gym.

Well, thank you. I just have a question. Is there a specific day for me to enter the clinic? Is there a specific day for me to enter the clinic? Or do you mean when I first enter? Or do you mean after I get Rayan to open the cage for me? What way should I enter the clinic to see Jesse?