I like your game, but I did have a few issues with it.
Good things first, I think your concept is great and your visuals look nice as well as consistent together.
The issues I have are that the game was somewhat laggy and the instructions were hard to read in that font. Also it felt like the flashlight didn't last very long and didn't increase visibility when it was on. I navigated through the maze mostly with the mini-map and light from the generators.
The mini-map was helpful for navigating but only showed a few of the generators.
I am not the creator of your game and the features and mechanics are your artistic choices, that being said, as a player I would have found it more enjoyable if instead of a mini-map, I could see the general area where the maze ends and instead of constant generators there were only a few that loosely directed the path to the exit, also the ability to turn on and off the light to conserve battery would also be nice. To fix the instructions text I would recommend wither changing the font slightly or making the words bigger.
I enjoyed playing your game and hope you continue coding