grooming is a bad thing but i still really hate how things turned out :( idk if i interpreted it wrong or didn't hear the full story but it seemed like he was trying to leave it in the past? and the whole "oh, this person did a bad thing so they're a bad person forever and can never change" pisses me off
I feel the same way, but that's how the losers on twi- I mean the internet works. All it takes is one...ONE bad thing to make you labeled as a bad person with no signs of redemption. Yes, Grooming is bad...but people can change and repent for their mistakes...BUT NOOOOOOOOO, everyone has to let their idiotic brains tell them other wise...really pathetic. Let people try and change rather than forcing the past on them ffs...Idc if people hate me for saying the truth, I'm just saying. Also yes I did read it