I try to use this direcly in Love2d with Anim8 but I can't not find the good config :
Spritesheet = love.graphics.newImage("assets/Base Character - Premium/basic/walk.png")
local grid = anim8.newGrid(16, 16, Spritesheet:getWidth(), Spritesheet:getHeight(),32,32)
Left = anim8.newAnimation(grid('1-8',1), 0.1)
I have the sprite on the screen but with a lot of empty/black frames between....from the 8 frames, I have only the frame 1 and 6 with a sprite, all the other frame are empty/black.
I'm sure that the frame have a size of 16x16 and a offset of 32 left and 32 top....but with this config I have this result