i mean. i just baught the game. but i have to agree with nutaku. some of the enemy's are a bit. hard to get past. and it dos not help that the zombie hord is fallowing you. like if it was more like every time you lost. you got pushed back. then i could argue that there wrong (by that i mean they arnt wrong in saying what they replyed with also they are right acctuly i just got the game. but theres no option to save as of this post. THATS a bit of a problem when you want to take a brake and close the game out then have to start all over again and its your first time also not going to lie the fucking dogs are my weakness. i,m sure some every one has there Owen) i,d also like to point out that most games like this one with a gallery do better when you lose to an enemy. then you unlock them. makes the movation to keep trying rewording. just leaveing my input. also side note here on nutaku. they might not be a smart choice as they,v shut down there site in certian parts of the u.s thanks to the porn bans by certain goverment officals. (DAMN YOU YOUNGKINNNNN!. i live in virgina :3)