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Hi there, big StimuWrite disciple, but lately I’ve been experiencing an issue and I was wondering if I’m the only one! When I leave the StimuWrite window open but tabbed into other applications (I’m sorry, I don’t have an exact estimate but I can hazard a guess around 30 minutes or so), once I tab back in, I can’t interact with any of the UI elements, including the text box to edit/copy my work. :( It’s not that the entire application has frozen since the background still moves, and interestingly enough I can edit and move the sticky note add-on just fine, but things like changing the theme or going full-screen are not possible. Any idea what might be causing this? Thank you so much for everything you do!!


Aggh I'm sorry you are having that issue, and thank you for making me aware of it. You should be able to save your work in these instances by pressing ctrl + S.  Do you have the most up-to-date version of both the add-ons and app?  Please email me to get further support on this issue.