I appear to have encountered a softlock. Went to go to bed to save/rest and there was a noise. Went out to investigate it but I didn't see anything, went back to rest/save and got a prompt to investigate the sound, then I lost all control. Can't move or open menus at all.
Since loading my save after that softlock it seems my file is broken. Only after updating, (I have 1.03) was I able to build the second upgrade to my camp, it appeared as soon as I loaded the game in 1.03. But the merchant has never returned after saving Garth, the shaman will remove the unremovable equipment but I can't find anyway to progress the tonic side of things. I chose the pink lust tonic initially but the ability doesn't seem to work, I just can't activate the ability. I've managed to reach the swamp but no new story related things seem to be triggering. Nothing at the savannah or at the swamp. Feels like I explored everything at those places.