Hello, and thank you so much for giving my story a try! I've read Scout and it's very good, so that is quite the compliment! I'm also impressed with the author for having put forth that story at a time when the world was going to pot and we all needed something good, and I wish I had discovered her story, and IFs in general, back then.
I love finding Robinmancers! It was very important to me that I get their route and characterization right, and I really appreciate your words and the fact that it resonated with you. Thank you for letting me know!
I totally understand your feelings on Ferret; I worry the same, to be honest. She's introduced later than the others, but she's also, I think, the most complex RO, so naturally takes longer to get to know well. BUT! If you're on Ferret's route, you're gonna love Chapter 10! She definitely gets her screen time there and I'm loving how that scene is turning out.
That being said...
Erm, you're probably... most likely... kinda... definitely... gonna also hate Chapter 10. And me. For... other reasons in your comment.