This needs a lot of work. This is good for a proof of concept, but if you are going to take this further, you definitely need to spruce up the jank.
First and foremost, do not print the game information to the screen unless it is a properly utilized aesthetic choice. There is way too much debug information. You can make debug buttons while making them appear to be basic gameplay mechanics, such as an unstuck button used in a whole host of modern 3D indie games.
The enemy movement is wonky. Some of the enemies tail the player way too hard, when they should probably use a position targeting system, instead of just following the player all of the time. Find the position of the player when the enemy enters a specific state, and then use that position for the enemies action, this way the player can actively dodge attacks.
The menu navigation is extremely confusing in specific spots, and it does not support Directional Pad movement. For each menu I should clearly be able to tell what part of the menu I am currently selecting, and be able to tell what my buttons do in the menu itself.
Kattelox island is too large without much to do there. I did not finish exploring the entire island, and I did not encounter a fast way to travel around it (like the skate shoes Rock normally gets).
You could have streamlined the gameplay of this entire experience to lead it up to the pirate mission, where you do the following: Finish the tutorial -> Go to Kattleox Island -> Find the town (if it was even on the island map itself) -> fight the pirates in Downtown. While i'm not 100% sure if all of the assets exist within the same scene, it won't matter when you seem to have a grasp of scene transitions. You would be able to set up the flags necessary to make this happen.
This isn't everything I could possibly think of, but this is definitely a good start of what to look into when updating this game. Good luck if you do want to continue on this project.