Hey there, thanks for stopping by and trying our game :)
We now added some instructions below the game if that helps - if it is still unclear, it must be a bug, I'm afraid. Could you provide us with a screenshot of your problem? We've now also added bug-free screenshots of our own for comparison.
We agree the audio is maddening, which is sort of the point with C'thulhu... Then again the guy who does our audio is awfully fond of looping short songs for hours on end.
The smashed together text in newspaper is supposed to be the fine print without any relevant details, there is nothing to read. However, right above it is the event location in lighter text and the newspaper headline in darker, larger text. These two should be readable, as per our screenshots, as should be the newspaper header*. These three pieces of information is how you play the game - judging settlement size and event complexity versus your cult strength/progress.
If you pick the correct events to intervene, you will be successful, your cult will grow and eventually you will wake C'thulhu. :]
*if any of these are unreadable, please let us know