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(3 edits) (+27)(-24)

Excellent comment, you touched on so many of my same thoughts and feelings, especially this part: "Any expression of anguish or anger is undermined, ridiculed, or judged by both the characters and the writing.". You should leave this as a review if you haven't already!

I know it's been stated by the author that it's supposed to be that way with all the other characters being wary of a MC (a stranger to them) who acts anything less than cordial but as a reader it's absolutely miserable and there's no reprieve at all. And the text itself doesn't offer any consolation either, making it feel less like just the characters' reactions to being in a stressful situation with a potentially volatile stranger, and more like active punishment for not being accepting of the extremely violent assault inflicted upon them and being forced to play nice in close proximity with their assaulter. That assaulter, meanwhile, seems to get much more consideration which just feels so... bad.

Also I have to say the fact that the reactions are more or less the same even if you DO act cordial, not making threats just trying to deal with the situation after going through something truly horrible, makes me feel like there's supposed to be a "canon" route where the MC acts unhinged no matter what. Otherwise it really doesn't mesh well how everyone acts like the MC is a bomb about to explode and if they so much as step one foot out of line everyone's calling a code red.

And yes, I know it was also previously stated that Rohan isn't really a rapist even if you chose for the MC to be intimate with them before being physically violated, but I have always been under the impression that sexual activity under false pretences (e.g. lying about your identity) does count as rape, I guess that's just my personal opinion. Even in the route without being intimate with them, there does seem to be a clear parallel with rape (à la the scene in the 2014 Maleficent movie in which her wings are taken), being left unconscious outside on the street with a piece missing... And to be honest, even if there were no parallel, it's just so violent and violating that picturing and feeling the aftermath where the MC just has to carry on and isn't allowed to show an ounce of hurt or anger without being treated like they're indiscriminately hysterical left me feeling queasier than the scene itself.

(20 edits) (+19)(-13)

I like your reference to Maleficent; it’s definitely a violation of more than one kind. I don’t know what else there is to say, I only wish it was handled better. 

As for player agency, I definitely think there’s a way to make the reader feel understood and seen, whilst still communicating that the main character is in an unfamiliar and helpless headspace. 

You’re right on the mark about the ‘canon’ MC feeling; I played it both angry (super unsatisfying with the exception of one choice), and then tried the more defeated/ cooperative options and was trying to put my finger on why the choices and outcomes weren’t jelling no matter what I did. I came away confused or resentful after every interaction.

If I’m playing a character that’s a “skilled infiltrator”, who is calm and unassuming, who didn’t brandish a weapon, then what about her would be so intimidating that everyone consistently turns on her? What would warrant immediate suspicion about a young woman saving a girl from the rubble and getting onto the last transport they can find? What about her would make other characters comfortable being witness to a man gloating about assaulting her? Why am I always getting the stink eye? Am I wearing a “make killing great again” company baseball cap or something??

In retrospect, it feels like there’s a broader perspective that’s missing from the writing, which makes it less interactive and accessible imo.