all around excellent game. excellent visuals, music (one song in particular really stood out to me, the one that plays at the bar at night), the story is very classic short story vibes (i'm not sure what people are being left confused about...?), the character designs are awesome (@ june ily.i'm with you re:the dames! and i have a bit of a crush on you also), etc. etc. etc.
there is a typo during the segment where you're exploring and weird things are happening, don't remember exactly where, i think it might be the buffet?: "conscious" is misspelled. also using the keyboard for 90% of the game and then having to grab the mouse for the map is kind of awkward, but it's also quite true that coding it so you can select your destination via keyboard as well in rpgmaker would be time consuming and perhaps not worth the resources for a jam game especially, so it's very understandable, just something i noticed.
so yeah anyways this game deserves the high praise it's been receiving :) yay!