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Save Angela, then Mr.X, then visit Mr. Joko for the 3rd time!


I got it!

I really liked the game, a good mix between several horror stories, sentimental stories that warm your heart or break it, and a realistic message about how little those who work long hours without rest in the hospital are appreciated (especially in emergencies).

I hope you consider in the future to make this game bigger or a sequel to develop more the characters or the protagonist or nurse (I felt sorry that their backstories or problems were not explored) or to have them have more moments relating to each other so that later it hurts more when you find out the truth lol

(Personally I would have liked a romance between the protagonist and the guy, although that is more because I love romance, especially when it is a sweet tragedy from the beginning, but this is my tastes, it is also good to make a good platonic relationship between a woman and a man)

Congratulations on the good game<3