I am Ravencaller, and I serve my Old God. I meet a mysterious companion who is a guardian warden, and we adventure together before I finally kill him in the name of my God. After which, I transform into a bird!
There was one spot where I was supposed to press buttons with my partner where the block of text accidentally printed twice. I also think the choice which indicate "You played as..." could probably be handled more seamlessly by keeping track of my player choice with a variable.
I played with both characters, Ravencaller and then Fevaro. This was a good order as I felt like Fevaro's path gave me more insight into what I was doing as Ravencaller. In some ways, I think Fevaro's track was the more interesting of the two choices: more action and better banter. Playing both felt rewarding though and I enjoyed seeing the paths branch off and merge again and again.
I was very pleased that I chose the correct answer to the riddle in my first playthrough. It made me feel clever and I actually wondered if it was a trick where all answers could have been correct. I tested this in my second playthrough and was surprised to get the answer wrong with another choice. I'm not sure if the abrupt ending there would have left me satisfied and wonder if it might be designed to cleverly encourage me try again and again.