Wow. First of all, thanks for the extremely detailed feedback!
I've already thought about implementing some of these points to the game, however you certainly brought a few more to my attention! I'm adding all of this to my TODO/backlog of features to implement! I've started working on the next version of the game and am reworking the combat mechanics a little. For instance:
I'm testing how it feels to slow down the player when they're engaged in combat, so they don't just fly around and past all the enemies when movement speed gets to high. Not going to lie, slowing down feels kinda bad, however I'm going to stick with it until I can have more people test it out.
I'm also making the basic attack toggleable, that way if you just want to run past everything, you can.
The special attack will be aimed with your mouse, which already feels sooo much better. But I do see your point about making it omni-directional and not just 4-directional. I'll have to play with it a little to see how I can make that work.
Regarding collision, I'm having to limit collisions severely. Turns out, collisions are expensive. Previous versions of the game would grind to a halt after 5 waves due to enemy collisions with each other and the environment, so I'm keeping those to a minimum for now. I might just be inexperienced with writing performant code, so as I learn, this will hopefully change.
Regarding the tip about Godot. I had a look at what the situation is/was, and I definitely don't agree with what they did or how they reacted with the mass banning and hiding of comments etc. The whole situation seems unnecessary, and I definitely find myself on the side of focus on the Tool/Engine and forget about politics. I also remember Unity going through some stuff last year, and I'm happy they are on a better path. Honestly I hope Godot can right the ship like Unity has, before it's demise. But also I cannot tell how bad this truly was for the engine, and it might just blow over without causing massive issues. Who knows really? I'll keep and eye on the situation and will also be looking into what Unity has to offer.
Thanks again!