This game is...interesting. It looks halfway between commandable for a genre known to use ASCII and like all of the game was badly exported out of version 0.7 on windows bandera. Messages print a bajillion of them when trying to open locked doors, Insane amount of blatant typos (defence and sacerfice anyone?), absolutely lifeless voice acting although the fact there is voice acting is impressive. Really the "main character" is the worse offender. I could do a better job for crying out loud! Repetitive and short music thats kinda distracting and dosent fit often, it dosent say what hooch does nor is it clear what it does, The dungeon looks horrible and the art is quite incipid, the way dungeons are generated in prefab rooms connected by 5 doors is a smart but extremeely lazy and and samey way of connecting the prefabs and modifiers are still written in programming text allSmushedTogether
However tha game has a ton of really good ideas executed very well. Honestly this game feels like if it got a bit more development time to go absolutely balls to the walls with its ideas, this game could be absolutely amazing and reach Heroes of Might and Magic III in terms of senseless, awesomely crazy build potentiality.
Magic spells go from mundane to fucking buck-wild with summonning shopkeeps and unkillable skeletons.
the "crafting system" is more like alchemy and goes wild with RNG its great and super creative.
Absolutely mundane and and uninteresting perks as well as ones that are insane and make you think of the possibilities of what you could do with them.
the game completely discourages the normal roguelike tactic of choke points by having enemies teleport or summon enemies in your back.
And it has randomised tiered loot ala diablo along with a gem socketing mechanic which i always love dearly
Its a real damn shame that the game's development seemed to have ended two or so years ago because this is one of those projects that if given the kind of eternal-development-cycle things like Dwarf fortress, Nethack and others have, it would turn into something truly, deeply amazing. That or go the Infra Arcana route and update the game once every two year and update the game in ways so radical the old version feels like a completely different, inferior game.