Great game :)
Small feature request: can we get the ability to flag the various shop and deck upgrades (shop refresh, add card slot, etc.)?
Sure! I'll add the feature as an option in the next update (or directly on a Steam demo for the game which will have more content too, or maybe both at the same time, I still have to decide the next steps).
For the "add card slot" function, the game already redirects you to the shop when a new card slot is available for you and you have enough cards in your deck and points to buy it, but I may allow you to flag it too so that you will be redirected there even if you don't have enough cards in your deck (but have enough points) so that you remember to buy it. You can also already flag the next shop slot you want to unlock, but that's about it for now, soon you'll be able to flag the "shop refresh", "add card slot" and "burn card" buttons (last one will work by flagging the "inspect deck" button on the shop).
Thank you for playing btw :)